Planes de Kaizen

Descubre nuestros planes accesibles para jóvenes que buscan mejorar su educación financiera y prosperidad.

Nuestros Planes

Elige el plan que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades financieras y comienza tu camino hacia la prosperidad.

Plan Gratis

Acceso básico a recursos financieros sobre Educación Financiera

A group of young people with bicycles are gathered in an urban area. They appear to be casually dressed, wearing helmets, and are positioned on a street with prominent yellow grid lines. The backdrop includes a bank entrance and advertisement signs, with an additional child walking in the background.
A group of young people with bicycles are gathered in an urban area. They appear to be casually dressed, wearing helmets, and are positioned on a street with prominent yellow grid lines. The backdrop includes a bank entrance and advertisement signs, with an additional child walking in the background.
Plan Básico

Por solo $22.50 al mes, obtendrás herramientas como Planificación de Inversiones, Gestión de Deudas y Asesoría Financiera Personalizada.

Plan Premium
A youth soccer player in a white uniform prepares to make a pass during a practice or game on a green soccer field. Other players and coaches are present in the background, along with a large building and a banner with logos. There is sunlight suggesting a bright, clear day.
A youth soccer player in a white uniform prepares to make a pass during a practice or game on a green soccer field. Other players and coaches are present in the background, along with a large building and a banner with logos. There is sunlight suggesting a bright, clear day.
A group of young people is gathered outdoors with a large building in the background. One person is sitting on a stone holding a cardboard sign that reads 'OUR FUTURE IS ON THE LINE.' The atmosphere appears calm and sunny, with some trees in the blurred background.
A group of young people is gathered outdoors with a large building in the background. One person is sitting on a stone holding a cardboard sign that reads 'OUR FUTURE IS ON THE LINE.' The atmosphere appears calm and sunny, with some trees in the blurred background.

Por solo $45 al mes, obtendrás todo lo que incluyen los dos pasados mas Seguros y Protección Financiera, Servicios Especiales, Seguimiento Continuo, Red de Networking y Ofertas Especiales.


Honor smartphone beside mug and paper with pen
Honor smartphone beside mug and paper with pen
Proyectos Gratis
a woman sitting in front of a laptop computer holding a cell phone
a woman sitting in front of a laptop computer holding a cell phone
A man sitting on a bench using a laptop computer
A man sitting on a bench using a laptop computer
black nikon dslr camera on white printer paper
black nikon dslr camera on white printer paper
Proyectos Básicos
Planificación de Inversiones

Asesoría en inversiones en productos adecuados para jóvenes, como fondos mutuos, acciones o criptomonedas, dependiendo de su perfil de riesgo.

Seguimiento Continuo

Revisiones periódicas del progreso hacia los objetivos financieros para asegurar que el joven se mantenga en el camino correcto.

Gestión de Deudas

Plan de gestión de deudas para aquellos que han acumulado préstamos estudiantiles, tarjetas de crédito o préstamos personales.

Proyecto plan Premium

books on brown wooden shelf
books on brown wooden shelf

Kaizen me ayudó a entender mis finanzas y tomar decisiones más inteligentes. ¡Recomiendo sus planes!

Juan Pérez

A young person is wearing a green t-shirt and black cap in an outdoor setting. The background shows a blurred view of trees and a street.
A young person is wearing a green t-shirt and black cap in an outdoor setting. The background shows a blurred view of trees and a street.
A young person is sitting on the sidewalk of an urban street. They are wearing casual clothing, including a brown hoodie and white sneakers. The background shows parked cars, a motorcycle, street signs, and several pedestrians.
A young person is sitting on the sidewalk of an urban street. They are wearing casual clothing, including a brown hoodie and white sneakers. The background shows parked cars, a motorcycle, street signs, and several pedestrians.
